Proclamation No. 3/1995

Federal Negarit Gazeta Establishment Proclamation

WHEREAS, it has become necessary to establish the Federal Negarit Gazeta;

NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as folows:

1. Short Title

This Proclamation may be cited as the "Federal Negarit Gazeta Establishment Proclamation No.3/1995".

2. Establishment of the Federal Negarit Gazeta

1/ The Federal Negarit Gazeta, a Federal Law Gazette published under the Umbrella of the House of Peoples' Representatives, is hereby established.

2/ All Laws of the Federal Government shall be published in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.

3/ All Federal or Regional legislative, executive and judicial organs as well as any natural or juridical person shall take judicial notice of Laws published in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.

4/ The Federal Negarit Gazeta shall be published in both the Amharic and English Languages; in case of discrepancy between the two versions the Amharic shall prevail.

3. Repeal

The Establishment of the Negarit Gazeta Proclamation No.1/1942 is hereby repealed.

4. Effective Date

This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the 22nd day of August, 1995.

Done at Addis ababa, this 22nd day of August, 1995.